Gavriel Fleischer Apps

Old Domesticated Animals 1.1.1
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION HERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New Smart Baby Cards fletech"IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP IS DISCONTINUED.♥ Your toddler is smart, but there's always something new todiscover. With this application the kids can learn aboutdomesticated animals, how they look, how they sound and how theyare called. SmartBaby is for children who know how to usetouch-screen.Touch the image to hear the sound of the animal.Touch the text to hear the animal's name.Drag the picture left or right to change to the next animal.Requirements:1.5MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.Please contact me by email (in English) about any translation orpronunciation problems.★★★★★NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION HERE: ORSEARCH FOR "New Smart Baby Cards fletech" IN Google Play. THEDEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP IS DISCONTINUED.★★★★★
Old Domesticated Animals (FR)
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION HERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New Smart Baby Cards fletech"IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP IS DISCONTINUED.************************Your toddler is smart, but there's always something new todiscover. With this application the kids can learn aboutdomesticated animals, how they look, how they sound and how theyare called. SmartBaby is for children who know how to usetouch-screen.Touch the image to hear the sound of the animal.Touch the text to hear the animal's name.Drag the picture left or right to change to the next animal.Requirements:1.5MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.Please contact me by email (in English) about any translation orpronunciation problems.
Régi Háziállatok - Okos Baba 1.1.1
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION HERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New SmartBaby Cards fletech" IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP ISDISCONTINUED.FIGYELEM: AZ ÚJ VERZIÓ LETÖLTHETŐ INNEN: VAGY KERESS RÁ: "OkosBaba Kártyák fletech"-RE A Google Playben. EZT AZ APPOT TECHNIKAIOKOK MIATT NEM FEJLESZTEM TOVÁBB.**********Kisbabád okos, de mindíg akad valami új felfedeznivaló. Ezzel azaplikációval a kölykök a háziállatokról tanulhatnak: hogyan néznekki, milyen hangot adnak ki, hogy hívják őket. Az Okos Baba olyangyerekeknek való akik tudják használni az érintőképernyőt.Érintsd meg a képet, hogy halld az állat hangját.Érintsd meg a feliratot, hogy halld az állat nevét.Mozgasd a képet jobbra vagy balra, hogy a következő állatraválts.Követelmények:1.9MB az sd-kártyánEgy gyermek, aki tud bánni az érintőképernyővel.
X Domesticated Animals Spanish 1.1.1
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION HERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New SmartBaby Cards fletech" IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP ISDISCONTINUED.************************Your toddler is smart, but there's always something new todiscover. With this application the kids can learn aboutdomesticated animals, how they look, how they sound and how theyare called. SmartBaby is for children who know how to usetouch-screen.Touch the image to hear the sound of the animal.Touch the text to hear the animal's name.Drag the picture left or right to change to the next animal.Requirements:1.5MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.Please contact me by email (in English) about any translation orpronunciation problems.
X Domesticated Animals Korean 1.1.1
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSIONHERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New Smart Baby Cardsfletech"IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP ISDISCONTINUED.************************Your toddler is smart, but there's always something newtodiscover. With this application the kids can learnaboutdomesticated animals, how they look, how they sound and howtheyare called. SmartBaby is for children who know how tousetouch-screen.Touch the image to hear the sound of the animal.Touch the text to hear the animal's name.Drag the picture left or right to change to the next animal.Requirements:1.5MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.Please contact me by email (in English) about any translationorpronunciation problems.
X Domesticated Animals Chinese 1.1.1
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSIONHERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New Smart Baby Cardsfletech"IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP ISDISCONTINUED.************************Your toddler is smart, but there's always something new todiscover.With this application the kids can learn aboutdomesticated animals,how they look, how they sound and how theyare called. SmartBaby isfor children who know how to usetouch-screen.Touch the image to hear the sound of the animal.Touch the text to hear the animal's name.Drag the picture left or right to change to the next animal.Requirements:1.5MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.Please contact me by email (in English) about any translationorpronunciation problems.
🔐 Open Sesame Gate 🔒 1.2.5
Use this app if you live in a placewherethere's a gate that needs to be opened by calling a phonenumberfrom your phone.After installation set a password, and the phone number ofthegate.Tell the password to your friends or invite them to the "OpenSesameKey"app: they can send you an SMS with the password and the phonenumberof the gate will be called automatically.
🚀 Red Alert צבע אדום בזמן אמת 0.8.6
Real time rocket alerts in Israel התרעות ואזעקות צבע אדום בזמן אמתמפיקוד העורף.
👶 Smart Baby Cards ♥
Your toddler is smart, but there'salwayssomething new to discover. With this application the kids canlearnabout things in different categories, how they look, how theysoundand how they are called. Smart Baby Cards is for children whoknowhow to use touch-screen.✋ Touch the image to hear the sound of the thing.✋ Touch the text to hear what is on the picture.✋ Swipe the card left or right to change to the next flashcard.Example categories: domesticated animals, wild animals,vehicles,fruits, vegetables, clothes, colors, shapes, tools,furniture and soon.Some of the categories are translated to different languages,goodfor bilingual children or even for learning new languages. Youneedto set the language in the settings in order to downloadcategoriesin any language.Any help with translation, corrections, suggestions, requestsfornew categories or features, bug reports are welcome. You cancontactme by email: [email protected] explained:ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, INTERNET, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: todownloadcategoriesREAD_PHONE_STATE: to get device id for download statisticsRequirements:3MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.
X Domesticated Animals German 1.1.1
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSIONHERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New Smart Baby Cardsfletech"IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP ISDISCONTINUED.************************Your toddler is smart, but there's always something new todiscover.With this application the kids can learn aboutdomesticated animals,how they look, how they sound and how theyare called. SmartBaby isfor children who know how to usetouch-screen.Touch the image to hear the sound of the animal.Touch the text to hear the animal's name.Drag the picture left or right to change to the next animal.Requirements:1.5MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.Please contact me by email (in English) about any translationorpronunciation problems.
X Domesticated Animal Japanese 1.1.1
NOTE: DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSIONHERE: OR SEARCH FOR "New Smart Baby Cardsfletech"IN Google Play. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS APP ISDISCONTINUED.************************Your toddler is smart, but there's always something new todiscover.With this application the kids can learn aboutdomesticated animals,how they look, how they sound and how theyare called. SmartBaby isfor children who know how to usetouch-screen.Touch the image to hear the sound of the animal.Touch the text to hear the animal's name.Drag the picture left or right to change to the next animal.Requirements:1.5MB on the sdcard.Child that knows how to use touch-screen.Please contact me by email (in English) about any translationorpronunciation problems.